CRank: 5Score: 24690

That's a good list. I wholeheartedly agree on announcing Eternal Darkness 2 and Devil May Cry 5. Though i really doubt sum of the other games are gonna be announced.

A new Dino Crisis or Strider would be great. Another Onimusha would be good to, but i think the story is over.

5128d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can tell you what's the worst Collector's Edition that i bought: DMC 4. The only thing nice about that CE is the Steelbook Case, but the content inside was disappointing. You get a DVD of the first 4 episodes of the horrible DMC anime (yes its horrible). You get sum stupid DVD with DMC 4 Producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi giving an interview (an interview that you can basically get from any gaming site online. For example, one question was is "If the DMC 4 team ate pizza while they we...

5128d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I doubt its RE PSP just for a release of a surefire crummy movie with Milla Jovovich. Maybe its RE: The Darkside Chronicles for the Playstation Move and Natal. Since its rumor that the PS Move is going to release earlier then Natal.

5128d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exclusive to Xbox LIVE ahead of the game’s launch, Dead Rising 2: Case Zero will give fans the full experience while introducing the player to the new and much anticipated elements that will unfold in Dead Rising 2. Dead Rising 2: Case Zero will introduce new protagonist Chuck Greene as he and his daughter find themselves caught in the desert town of Small Creek which has been overrun with zombies. Set two years after the Wilammete incident and three before the action of Dead Rising 2, Dead R...

5128d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Didn't RE 5 Gold Edition release this past March. I think its way too soon to announce another RE. Besides, RE is getting kinda stale. RE 5 wasn't good as RE 4. Also, i'm sure they're gonna show RE PSP, that's probably one of their "surprises".

I'm really looking forward to Sengoku Basara 3. But the game i'm hoping they announced that is not on the list is Devil May Cry 5. Its been 2 years since DMC 4 was release, its about time they put...

5128d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like Game Informer. Its one of my fave gaming magazines...even though they cover too much of Western Gaming and i hate their new interior layout. But sumtimes they get really good world exclusive cover stories.

I like EGM to (mostly because of Seanbaby). But i can't seem to find their issues in the newsstands here in NYC. Also, i heard there magazine has gone all it makes no sense why they would have a print magazine in the first place.

I r...

5129d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to agree as well the Soundtrack is great. It reminds me alot of Bladerunner with the dark cyberpunk theme. I hope this is voted Best Trailer of E3 2010. Though alot of other games are gonna have a hard time topping this one though, even tho its only CG.

Unfortunately i'm not really into FPS. But i've gotta give credit where credit is do. Probably one of the best trailers i've seen from the current gen.

5129d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait, we're in the year 2031? :P

5130d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I gotta go with DMC 4 with this one and Soul Calibur 4 as well. DMC 4 was just backtracking with generic environments and a lame character like Nero. No Vergil, no nothing. Just the same old crap about an old guy wanting power. Hell, even DMC 2 is starting to look good with DMC 4 being so disappointing...and that's not saying much.

Soul Calibur 4 is just style with no substance. It had the terrible Tower of Souls mode and took out alot of the styles for your Customized ...

5132d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There was a female Belmont already. Her name was Sonia Belmont and she was in the 1998 Game Boy game Castlevania Legends. But unfortunately, Koji "Iga" Igarashi (Producer of the Castlevania games who didn't work on Castlevania Legends) took that game out of the series canon.

Its too bad tho, in it Sonia was the first Belmont to fight against Dracula......

5133d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually Reuben Langdon did not do the Opening of DMC 3. He said in an interview that he was so jetlag from arriving in Japan or Los Angeles that he couldn't do the opening and that another stuntman had to do the Opening. But other then that Reuben motion captured everything else...except the Cerebus Nunchuck scene. I think either Dan Southworth (voice and motion capture actor for Vergil) did the nunchuck scene or another stuntman did.

5134d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DMC 1 and DMC 3 are great. Bayonetta is just one game...let's see how its sequels will turn out. I don't think Platinum Games are gonna do the sequels, now that there 4 game contract deal with Sega is over.

5135d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gotta agree with ya there. Vergil is awesome and should have his turn at the spotlight from then on *bubbles for you*

The Yamato sword is cool...but the Sparda Sword is just Godly.

5135d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bayonetta is good. But the characters are really stupid and annoying. The only one's in that game that aren't annoying and asinine are Rodin, Enzo and Jeanne. I pretty much like the whole DMC cast (well, i hate Lady a lil...but ya gotta hate sumthing).

I hope Capcom does release a trailer at E3. I know it'll be brief. But its weird that they won't release it next year, since next year is DMC's 10th Anniversary.

I can only dream that they w...

5135d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Disney Press Conference was cringe worthy embarrassing. But it was really funny. And of course i love the "Giant Enemy Crabs" and "Flip it over for Massive Damage". Hopefully they'll be more ridiculous moments at this years E3...especially since Microsoft and Sony are gonna whore out their motion sensing tech nonsense.

5140d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

or MediEVIL or sumthing idk. I hate when sites or magazines tease crap like this.

5140d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

God i hope its not a twin brother. Cause then GOW is borrowing too much from DMC 3 then. I wish they would go to another era besides the Grecian era. Like maybe a GOW set in Egpyt or sumthing. It can't be all about gets old after awhile ya know. Even DMC is getting old and stale.

5167d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny thing is, its rumored that Ninja Theory is developing Devil May Cry 5...

5169d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea it sucks. But at least it looks like Dante (or Nero) is in MVC 3...though i'm not into fighting games as much so...meh...

I guess we'll have to see at E3 if DMC 5 is there instead.

5176d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The deal is done though. P* and Sega only had a 4 game deal. The 4 games were Madworld, Bayonetta, Infinite Space and Vanquish. P* can do what they please now.

And yeah it sux that Hideki Kamiya doesn't want to return to make DMC again. I guess making shallow skanks that make demons out of their pubic hair is more fun then making yet another game on the badass DMC series.

5184d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment